Thursday, November 29, 2012

New Product Launches - Use the Net to Create "Harry Potter" Like Buzz For Your Information Product

How New Product Launches Make Your Product The Buzz Word In Your Marketplace

You've finally completed your information product, but you want to know the best way to sell it. What do you do? It's taken you ages and lots of money to complete this product, and you know, you just know, that when this baby hits the marketplace that it's going to take off right?

You're reeling with excitement from completing your product, and now you might be tempted to send some emails out to your list promoting it. You might even go out and get some joint venture partners, asking them to do a promotion for you.

But what if I told you those email strategies, while effective, would be completely flawed. You'd be leaving a ton of money on the table. Why? Because you're not crafting those email promotions into a sequence that creates a buzz.

See here is the problem with standard email promotion: it ignores the marketplace burning desires, and focuses on the product rather than the prospect! This is the difference between a Harry Potter book launch and all the buzz it creates and your product launch (or should I say flop....)

New Product Launches Focus On The Prospect, Not The Product

Why is Harry Potter so wildly popular? Because, for some reason, people really identify with the heroes and anti-heroes of the story. I'm not going to get into specifics, but basically humans really enjoy stories (in fact stories are a great selling tool, and are used in the launch). And Harry Potter is a story that the marketplace wants -- the people (prospects) identify with the struggles of Harry Potter.

So believe it or not, Harry Potter is really a marketing masterpiece, because it's catering to the burning desires in the marketplace. If I had to wager a guess, people really like the underdog angle, and the magical powers to thwart the bad guys.

Anyways, back to your product launch, and how you too can use these little know new product launch tactics to create "Harry Potter" like buzz.

The lessons here is something I learned from Dr. Stephen Covey, and simply put it's this: In order to influence someone they must first feel understood.

So what does that mean for your product launch? It means that you're email promotions need to have a super structure that has nothing to do with your information product, and everything to do with the prospect you are after!

New product launches are based on marketplace research, and strategical emails that the prospect can identify with!

How To Make Your Product Sell Like Water In The Desert

So how exactly do you create this Harry Potter like buzz for your product? Well it's actually a quite amazing process, and the scope of which goes beyond this article. But I am going to show you how to use the net to create this buzz as a starter (and you can learn more about it at your own discretion).

First you do some market research using You look at sites your target customer is visiting and then create a customer profile on them. This profile is one where you come up with problems the prospect wants to have solved.

Then your email sequence is crafted around several things.

#1. First few emails identify with prospect problems and give solutions to those problems #2. Next few emails tell your story (about your and your product) and how your story relates to the problems your prospects are having #3. The next few emails address objections and concerns people have, and you actually clear objections before they are asked.

All of this is done BEFORE people reach you sales page. What this does is pre-sell people in a non-sales environment (because all you've been doing is talking about their problems and giving great solutions). After a short time people want more, a lot more, and are anxiously waiting on your product launch. They are waiting for you to sell them!

Finally you launch the product and a ton of sales flood in on launch day because people have been waiting to buy (from all the identification emails you did earlier).

So there you have it, how new product launches focus on the prospects not the product, and how your emails need to be strategically crafted to create pre-product buzz before letting people see the sales page. There's a lot more to this, and you can join my mailing list: information on product launches you can join my mailing list (just follow the link on the left).

How to Sell Personal Development Products Online - A Reiki Case Study   How to Do the Best Product Launch   Choosing the Message of Your Product Launch Campaign   How a Product Launch Manager Can Help You Take Your Business to the Next Level   Three Tips on How to Market a New Product   

Preparing For a Product Launching With a Blast

To launch a new online product would require a certain amount of hard work in preparation. Irregardless of what you will sell on the net, the amount of effort that you have to put in for product launching will just be the same. In order to achieve a successful product launch, it is important that you plan well all the things that must be done and the techniques that you have to employ in this activity. Introducing new products on the internet is not an easy task since there is so much competition. Things should be done correctly right from the very start by having a good marketing plan in place.

Your product launching has to create a loud buzz over the net in order to capture the attention of your target market. There are certain techniques in launching products online that you can follow so that you will have a more directed marketing path. Creating positive first impressions is quite crucial since it will somehow determine how your merchandize would fair in the online market. It is important for online marketers to solicit good feedbacks from their prospective customers once their products are launched on the net. One of the most effective product launching techniques is to find online business partners.

By establishing a joint business venture with other affiliates, you will be able to reach out to a more targeted customer base. Since you are introducing a new merchandize, it will be very helpful if you have partners to help you in selling and promoting products. Having them would allow you to reach out to their networks of customers. For you to attract affiliate partners, you need to design an attractive commission package for these people. Furthermore, there is also a need to advertise products online even before you sell it officially. This should be part of your pre-launch activities.

In this phase, you will be able to introduce your merchandize in advance and promote it to your prospective customers. This will also be an opportunity for you to do an initial probing of your product's viability in the market through a feedback system. You can do advertising in various ways such as blogging, joining online forums or writing articles. Just keep in mind that information dissemination is very important in any business. If you are unable to deliver the message to your target market, then you might have a slow selling pace. Product launching should be something that you need to be on top of your priorities when you plan to introduce new products in the online market.

It will be difficult for you to rectify some mistakes once you have already begun selling on the net. Carefully planning product launching will help ensure your product's longevity in the market. Rushing things might just post a threat to the success of your merchandize that is why pre-launch activities is an important phase in every product launching. So, learn from the feedbacks that you will get when you do your pre-launch because this is one great way for you to improve your strategies prior to the actual product launching.

How to Sell Personal Development Products Online - A Reiki Case Study   How to Do the Best Product Launch   Choosing the Message of Your Product Launch Campaign   How a Product Launch Manager Can Help You Take Your Business to the Next Level   

Do Online Marketing Experts Sabotage Our Efforts?

Have the 'marketing experts' online succeeded in creating an internet version of the rat race? As everybody knows perceived experts in any field are closely watch and highly regarded. Online entrepreneurs are no different in how they regard any perceived internet marketing guru. This faith in their knowledge is never more evident than during any new product launch. Typically any new release has everybody scrambling to purchase the latest software, system or strategy. The problem here is that most of these products are new 'discoveries' that go counter to previous products that they sold. Online entrepreneurs now find themselves taking a whole new direction in their business thereby walking away from any previously invested efforts.

Let's have a look at the product launch 'cycle' can cause online entrepreneurs to continue changing directions leading to an increase in frustration and a decrease in their results.

'Guru's' Change Direction

Every new product launch 'presents' a different or improved version of the way we are currently conducting business. Of course whatever is being presented has to be different otherwise there would be little incentive for people to make the purchase.

We the 'Rats' Follow Them

Generally the promotional process involves explaining the need for the change being introduced. As a result the current tactics being used are criticized and dismissed as being ineffective, much like the previous product launch. In essence it is time for us to change direction in the way we do things and start over, again.

Their Products Are Purchased

Of course after the convincing reasons as to why the change is needed to be made, people abandon their 'former' approach, purchase the 'updated' product and begin a new cycle. All is not lost however, since the product creator has (once again) made a profit!

New Efforts Are Invested

Now people redirect their focus and efforts on implementing or utilizing their new product purchase. Needless to say previous efforts are now forgotten as is the loss of time and energy that has been invested. A fresh start is being made with renewed enthusiasm and hope until...

New 'Guru' Discovery

Online entrepreneurs are greeted with yet another 'recent' discovery where another marketing guru has once again 'cracked the code' and uncovered another flaw in the current system. At this point people listen to the pitch, make the purchase, and start all over again. Lost in their freshly stoked enthusiasm is the fact that their inconsistent efforts are doing little towards gaining them significant results in their businesses.

Internet marketing experts carry much influence with online entrepreneurs so much so that people are willing and eager to purchase every new product the experts create. It is typical that with every new product launch by a high profile marketing guru, people line up to purchase and use whatever has been created. Sometimes however, whatever is being promoted goes completely counter to a product previously created. This can result in a complete change of direction for many businesses resulting in the loss of any gains made or efforts invested. Now this is not to say this is the case every time but more to note the influence the well regarded marketing guru possesses. It is up to the individual to find the helpful nuggets as they are presented but it does not always require complete or wholesale changes. Internet marketing will continue to evolve and we as marketers must be willing to do the same, but this can and in most cases, should be done a little bit at a time.

How to Sell Personal Development Products Online - A Reiki Case Study   How to Do the Best Product Launch   Choosing the Message of Your Product Launch Campaign   How a Product Launch Manager Can Help You Take Your Business to the Next Level   Three Tips on How to Market a New Product   

Infopreneur Business: 3 Hidden Costs of Product Launches

Typically, when product launch results are reported only the sales figures are mentioned. In some cases those results are six or seven figures and are very impressive. Still, it is a common misconception to think that your business is able to keep all of the launch proceeds. A smart business owner (like you) understands that a launch has execution costs and plans accordingly. Here is some additional perspective on some of the costs associated with a product launch.

The cost of copywriting. At the end of your launch you are going to drive your prospects to a sales letter, or sales page. Most business owners expect this cost and hire a copywriter to write it. What is often overlooked though, is the importance of email copy in a launch sequence. Writing email copy may sound simple at first, but the emails have to be scripted out, structured, and edited during the launch process. Have you budgeted the cost of copywriting in your launch? Is this an area where you need assistance?

The cost of joint venture (promotional) partners. The big launches you see online often have very heavy joint venture support. Those promotional partners are normally compensated with a percentage of each sale they make. The more promotional support you have, the more you sell, and the more you owe back to your promotional partners. This is a real cost of doing business and it is a fair trade to those who helped you increase your sales. Have you budgeted the cost of promotional partners into your launch? Who is managing that process for you?

The cost of a web support team. A well conducted launch has many support elements like blog installation, video host management, shopping cart connection, and web design. If you want your launch to flow smoothly for you and your potential customers, all of these items have to be coordinated well. How are you managing this process today? Have you outsourced any of these tasks before?

Yes these costs are "hidden", but they're not impossible to control. Now that you know what they are you can better plan for them in preparation for your launch. If it all seems a bit overwhelming a qualified product launch manager can help you limit these costs and secure success of your launch.

How to Sell Personal Development Products Online - A Reiki Case Study   How to Do the Best Product Launch   Choosing the Message of Your Product Launch Campaign   How a Product Launch Manager Can Help You Take Your Business to the Next Level   Three Tips on How to Market a New Product   Review of Auto Click Profits   

Product Launch Formula - Creating Pre-Launch Content That Drives Your Online Sales

When you follow big online product launches, you should always be be analysing the launch content, and not just admiring the content itself. You can learn a lot tricks of selling info products online just by analysing the launches

It's absolutely a crucial element of product launch formula 3 that you get empathy with and from your list. The key to getting a great launch is to make people feel that you know the position you are in, that you've been there before... and that you can create the solution to your followers' problems.

People like to buy from other people, not big faceless corporations. As such, you must show yourself to be a person who has been in similar situations, or else you are doomed before you put your sales page up!

In Product Launch Formula 3, you'll be shown how to elicit your common frustrations and fears that you share with your launch list and why you need to be referring to them very subtly in your pre-launch content. But you shouldn't overdo it and make obvious statements - you can hint that you felt them same, without having to say it.

There is more to creating pre-launch content than just making videos. You really need to know what you're trying to achieve, and then hit those emotional trigger points in your list. Great content will flow once you know what you're trying to achieve in your content.

Without knowing what the point of your pre-launch material is, you can't create content that sells your product. PLF 3 is designed for if you are serious about building an online bonus and selling information products online. As always, you should aim to deliver value to people at all times, which is the best way to demonstrate your expertise and create trust and reciprocity.

There isn't a one solution fits all outcome to content creation. You'll learn how to determine the best medium for your content and your email list through PLF 3. Different launches, niches, demographics will need different styles of content - so you will need to review the section on how to figure this out.

Other things will be more important than you can guess when producing content for your launch process. For example, getting the technical aspects in place so you can create content quickly in response to blog comments. Since you need to create it "on the fly", you don't want to be stuck with 24 hours of work to get 5 minutes of video out to your list. Failing to deliver content as you promised is probably the biggest mistake you could make!

Once you have looked at prelaunch material in Product Launch Formula 3, you will discover other techniques, tactics and processes to ensure your online launch goes well. This is a system for creating a stable business with assets, not a fly-by-night, once-off money maker.

Other techniques include spacing out your content so that you build anticipation, encouraging commenting on your blogs so that you build social proof, and communicating regularly with your email list so that you build a relationship before you start to sell.

How to Sell Personal Development Products Online - A Reiki Case Study   How to Do the Best Product Launch   Choosing the Message of Your Product Launch Campaign   How a Product Launch Manager Can Help You Take Your Business to the Next Level   

Pointers on How to Market a New Product Online Successfully

There is a lot of tension and pleasure involved when launching a new product online. People may think that excitement is only for the brick-and-mortar businesses, but internet business could be quite overwhelming too. In fact, it may even be more thrilling thinking of how wide the range of your prospective clients may be. Imagine, you're not only covering the local market, you are marketing the whole world!

This overwhelming fact may sometimes be detrimental to starting a business, or launching an existent one online. There are instances when entrepreneurs drown in excitement and fail to double check their websites before the product's launch date. Imagine if you were the business owner who forgot to connect your payment button to your payment processor, how many potential clients would have vanished in thin air?

This is why it is very important to carefully plan on how to market a new product online. Before you finally launch your product, make sure to consider some very important things.

First, double-check (or even triple-check) your sales page. Proofread and make sure that everything is spelled correctly and your sales material is grammatically sound. These two are very crucial in building your business's credibility. You certainly would not want to make it look like a 5-year old is conducting your business, right? More often, the choice of words and the tone you put in them give the customers a basic impression of what kind of business you run. If you use the right words, you can easily arouse prospective clients' interest and the next thing you know, they are sending orders willingly to your site. It is very much like meeting new people. Don't you get impressed by people who know when to say the right things and how to speak well?

Another thing you must make sure functioning is your payment button. Make a test purchase before launching your product. Ensure that all your links are properly connected. This is an online business. Make sure that your website is working as to how it is expected to.

Next thing you must consider on how to market a new product online is your price. Think about it. Compare it with competitors. Is your product too costly or cheap? Consider all your expenses including shipment and delivery. A lot of people commit the mistake of overcharging or undercharging because they fail to consider these factors. Make sure that you have all your expenses and profit covered without having to go out of the competition, setting your price too high. Offering a lower price invites more customers, of course. But setting it too low will spell your loss. Survey the average and be somewhere in that range.

Lastly, you have to ask yourself whether your server is capable of your ideal traffic. If you have prepared a massive advertising campaign, then it is expected that you will receive a lot of traffic. Can your server handle the load? Some entrepreneurs forget the resources allotted to them by their hosting provider. This could be detrimental to your business. You would not want to shut customers up just because you went over your available bandwidth, right?

How to Sell Personal Development Products Online - A Reiki Case Study   How to Do the Best Product Launch   Choosing the Message of Your Product Launch Campaign   How a Product Launch Manager Can Help You Take Your Business to the Next Level   

5 Essential Tips That Will Help You at Product Launch

Excitement and stress both are a part of product launch, and that too after spending infinite hours introducing the product, answering the queries, making a research and doing all these things properly to ensure that the day at product launch remains golden, secure and smooth. There are five tips that you must keep in mind to ensure a comfortable day at product launch.

Identify the target consumer

One of the first things you must do, before you even begin developing your product, is to identify your target market. To identify your target market, ask yourself the following questions:

Before developing the product, you must know your target consumers and market. There are several questions that will help you in identifying the target.

o The age group of the target consumers o The requirements of the target market o The education level of the target consumers o The average earning of the target consumers o Is the product gender specific?

After answering these questions you will be able to create your products according the needs and requirements of the consumers. This will also help you later in the promotion of your product.

Select a proper day for launching your product

There are particular days that are supposed to be better than the other days for the purpose of your launch. For instance, launching your product on a Monday morning might not get that much accolades and sales that you could by launching your product on a Friday or a Saturday. When you select a day for product launch do consider your target consumers too.

Make an offer that is just enticing

The first step before you make an enticing offer is to recognize the advantages that the consumers will get in using your product. After you get to the benefits of your product to the target consumers, make an offer that they just cannot refuse. This will boom and bang up your sales.

Declare your product launch date

The best method to declare the product launch is by sending e-mails to all the media, employees at the company and the target market. Make this e-mail very crafty so that it gets the due attention of the reader.

A pre-launch and post launch noise is necessary

The promotion of your product must begin weeks before the launch of the product. And this advertisement has to be carried on after the launch of the product too. There are a lot ways that you can promote your product with.

o Make a press kit and send it to all the newspapers, magazines and websites for a release.

o You can begin a blog about it, or an application on facebook. These are just some ways to attract your consumer on the web.

o When you make a blog or start writing articles, start by defining your product, its benefits etc. Post messages on online forums with your signature.

o Send flyers, brochures etc to the prospective customers. You can also do banner advertisement in your city and TV ads are also very popular.

These are some of the essential tips that will help you at product launch and promote your product in such a way that it gets maximum sales and appreciation.

How to Sell Personal Development Products Online - A Reiki Case Study   How to Do the Best Product Launch   Choosing the Message of Your Product Launch Campaign   How a Product Launch Manager Can Help You Take Your Business to the Next Level   

Does Pillar Implant Procedure Work?

Over 25% of the American population suffers from some variation of Obstructive Snooze Apnea Hypopnea Symptoms (OSAHS) and this can disrupt sleep thereby causing discomfort and even other sleep related disorders. The pillar implant procedure is the most non-invasive, simple and effective way to treat this disorder. Also known as palatal restoration, this involves embedding tiny rods on the soft palate. This procedure causes the soft palate tissues to stiffen and thereby prevents airway vibration and obstruction while sleeping. The procedure which takes just one sitting involves no tissue removal or damage to the area and is therefore less painful than other options for sleep apnea treatment and has been approved by Health Canada.

The disorder and how the treatment helps

While sleeping, the throat muscles tend to relax and any tissues at the back of the throat which are unsupported could expand and contract. This becomes one of the main reasons for blockage in the airways causing the airway to reduce in size and obstruct smooth breathing. This also causes the soft palate of the mouth to vibrate which makes the snoring noises while sleeping. Some studies suggest that almost 80% of sleep apnea related snoring sounds occur because of the obstruction of the airways caused by the soft palate tissue vibrations.

With this treatment procedure, three tiny woven rods are inserted into the soft palate that make the tissues surrounding it to stiffen, thereby giving it support and avoiding it from collapsing. This non-invasive palatal restoration does not use any heat, chemicals or tissue removals, thereby allowing the patients to resume normal activities and diet the very same day. These implants are a permanent procedure and thereby it provides a long term relief from sleep apnea related issues. The Pillar implants are made out of surgical and medical materials and do not hinder with speech or swallowing food and liquids.

80-90% of the people who have undergone this treatment, have reported long lasting effects on the reduction of snoring and visible benefits within the first 2 months of the treatment. This was also proven by Dr. Friedman in a study - which was conducted on 62 patients as a double-blinded placebo controlled trial -at the annual meeting for Ear, Nose, and Throat surgery in 2006. In his experiment he had 50% of the people implanted with pillar procedure and on the other 50% he just performed a fake surgery, with none of the participants aware of this arrangement. This was done to see if the treatment really works or is it more psychological. In his conclusion, he reported that the ones with actual implants reported a 50% improvement in snoring issues, whereas the ones with the fake surgery had no changes to report.

The Top 10 Benefits of Sleeping for Your Body and Mind   

The Top 10 Benefits of Sleeping for Your Body and Mind

Love to sleep?

You are not alone!

Sleeping has many great benefits that you should know. Therefore, I want to list some of my favourite findings of how sleeping improves your life:

1. Improve your memory Research has found that you perform better and/or improve your retention rate after sleeping on it for a night. Even better: Learn before you go to bed. Whether it is a physical skill or a mental skill, you will find improvements the next day.

2. Improve your performance If you participate in a competitive sport, sleeping will improve your performance. Research at Stanford University has shown that football players improved sprint times and decreased general physical fatigue after sleeping 10 hours for 7 consecutive weeks. This has confirmed former findings seen in tennis players and swimmers.

3. Lose weight If you intend to go an a diet, sleeping more will help you lose weight. Researchers at the University of Chicago saw an 56% increase in fat loss in participants who slept more than 9 hours every night. Men who slept less than 7 hours every night also experienced faster muscle mass loss.

So sleep and metabolism seem to be linked together through the body's hormones.

4. Fix your back pain Especially if you have sedentary lifestyle, you might benefit by lying down if your back starts hurting. At least if it doesn't seem awkward in the office.

5. Get some HGH The Human Growth Hormone (or HGH) contains of 191 different amino acids, the building blocks of proteins. Research has found an increase in the production of HGH during nocturnal ours. What HGH does is... - Tissue Repair - Muscle Growth - Increase / Regulate Brain Function - Increase Health (both physical and mental) - Better Bone Density (Stronger Bones) - More Energy - Balanced Metabolism

So the right amount of HGH in your system is critical for your overall health.

6. Decrease Heart Stress / Inflammation Inflammation and "Inflammatory Markers" are directly linked to Heart Disease and Strokes. Sleep keeps Blood Pressure and Cholesterol down, thus reducing overall Heart Stress.

7. Live longer! An increase in blood pressure due to lack of sleep will propel your aging process. If you don't want to look and feel older than you are, sleep more hours.

8. Prevent Diabetes In a study, where male participants reduced their sleep time from 8 hours to 4 hours a night, many of them processed glucose slower than before. Slowly processing glucose is a sign for developing diabetes. If you don't want to have Diabetes, sleep more hours.

9. Drunk or sleepy? Don't drive! Research has shown that driving sleepy is as detrimental to your driving skills as having a drink before driving.

10. Improve your immune system Sleeping less hours will weaken your immune system, thus picking up a cold or a flu will seem like a new hobby to you. If you want to be free of that nasty cold, sleep more hours.

So if you love sleep as much as I do, get some more of it!

Readers: What is your favorite sleep hack?

The Top 10 Benefits of Sleeping for Your Body and Mind   

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